Constitutional violations? Right turn? Euroscepticism? Since the change of government in October 2015, the European public has been looking towards Poland. Let's talk to one another rather than about one another. Our transnational debate at a glance ...
A post by Alexander Wragge
Poland is making headlines. The right-wing conservative government is being critizied for reorganizing the state, from domineering the Constitutional Court to manipulating the public media. Some consider the criticism of the PiS government unfair and excessive. Others fear the fall of democracy in the heartland of the European Union. So, we need to talk: how can these political developments in Poland be explained? Which EU do the Poles want and what will be their roll in it?
With "Poland on my mind" the Publixphere network is starting something of an experiment. Is it possible to have a trans-national debate on 'Poland in Europe'? Can we talk to each other instead of about one another - online and offline? Can we get to know each other and connect as a European public - with citizens from Poland and potentially all other EU countries?
We want to provide young and politically interested Europeans with the space and opportunity to do just that. In April 2016 (and beyond) citizens and experts will pose their questions and hypotheses on the developments in Poland on Publixphere.net and put them up for discussion. You can find all the recent articels listed under this text.
In order for us all to understand eachother, the language of discussion will be english (and german).
What do you think?
You are warmly invited to register for free on Publixphere.net (non-commercial, non-partisan) to comment and contribute your own ideas and texts. On Publixpheres Facebook page and on Twitter, we will support the debate with quotes, reading tips and videos. If you want to contribute your own article on the issue, please send it to us: community@publixphere.net.
After our online debate we will host an offline debate (a fun evening of great discussions) this summer (more information to follow). In this way we want to show how close relations between Poles and non-Poles in the EU already are.
If you like to get in touch with us in person, please send us a mail: community@publixphere.net. Publixphere wants to support personal relations between politically interested Europeans in order to overcome the limitations of just national debates.
The idea: Talking rather than bashing
Publixphere coordinator Charlotte v. Knobloch
Policy Lab
came up with this great idea, after having recently studied in Wroclaw for 5 months. Upon returning, she had the feeling that we as Europeans need to start an open dialogue about our political values and shared ideas, rather than only hearing about eachother in the media. Charlotte's initial text: "Talking, not bashing" can be found here (English version) and here (German version).