#pxp_tipp: Fwd: Europe - the young generation (Berlin)
“Fwd: Europe” starts with a public panel discussion on Wednesday evening at Französische Friedrichstadtkirche. The subsequent conference takes place at Berlin-Schwanenwerder on Thursday and Friday. It is possible to participate in both parts separately.
The European Union is facing many challenges. During the past few years, the so-called “Euro-crisis” has highlighted that deeper economic integration cannot be maintained without the fact steps towards a closer political union. While fundamental political decisions are on the agenda, there is a lack of public debate around these critical aspects determining Europe’s future.
Today, Europe seems to be a daily reality and very abstract, particularly for young people, at once. Many of them yet enjoy the European cultural diversity and the freedom of movement granted by Schengen. While enthusiasm for languages, culture and encounters with fellow Europeans is ever popular, this trend has not automatically generated identification with the political structure of the “EU”.
An alarming fact is that some founding elements of the European project, namely mutual cooperation and solidarity as the basis for peace, economic growth and social welfare in all member states, are increasingly doubtful for young people. They not only are under the impression that their voices aren’t heard, but the persuasive power of 60 years of continued economic growth has been eroded by the impact of recent policies to counter the financial crises. Many people perceive these attempts as one sided and as a direct cause of social hardship for an entire generation.
All three elements – an ever-accelerating dynamic in European integration, the lack of opportunities to participate and dwindling trust in the EU´s benefits – have driven many EU citizens into the arms of euro-sceptical parties. For those who feel overwhelmed or threatened by plurality and economic change, the promise of an allegedly secure national state yet again has become seductive.
During the past months and years, many promising initiatives have reinvigorated the debate about Europe's future. To further support this trend, the conference “Fwd: Europe” invites committed Europeans to present their projects, exchange experiences and develop new ideas to strengthen European civil society. Which projects and narratives of Europe promise to be successful in the future? What are the expectations young citizens have towards the EU? How can citizenship education for European democracy be shaped in the future?
30. September bis 2. Oktober 2015
Französische Friedrichstadtkirche, Gendarmenmarkt 5, 10117 Berlin (30. September)
Ev. Bildungsstätte Schwanenwerder, Inselstraße 27, 14129 Berlin (1.+2. Oktober)
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